FFXIDB Tracking Data
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Dynamic Belt BGW Wikia FFXIAH

dynamic belt
Dynamic belt
[Waist]All Races
STR+3 Accuracy+10 Haste+5%
NPC Zone Count Chance
No drop data for this item.
NPC Zone Count Chance
No Voidwatch chest data for this item.
Result Crystal Ingredients
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4240Cyclone crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4103Dark crystal Item 635Clump of Windurstian Tea leaves ×3
Item 874Amaltheia hide ×3
Item 2129Tanning vat ×1
Item 4509Flask of distilled water ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4103Dark crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4099Earth crystal Item 665Adaman sheet ×1
Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×2
Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 1409Spool of Siren's macrame ×1
Item 2189Fiendish skin ×1
Item 2275Scintillant ingot ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4099Earth crystal Item 665Adaman sheet ×1
Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×2
Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 1409Spool of Siren's macrame ×1
Item 2189Fiendish skin ×1
Item 2275Scintillant ingot ×1
Item 3925Tanzanite jewel ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 4099Earth crystal ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×2
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4240Cyclone crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4100Lightning crystal Item 511Goblin mask ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4241Terra crystal Item 665Adaman sheet ×1
Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×2
Item 1409Spool of Siren's macrame ×1
Item 2189Fiendish skin ×1
Item 2275Scintillant ingot ×1
Item 3925Tanzanite jewel ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4240Cyclone crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 2189Fiendish skin ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 635Clump of Windurstian Tea leaves ×1
Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4240Cyclone crystal Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4096Fire crystal Item 880Bone chip ×4
Item 4509Flask of distilled water ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 654Darksteel ingot ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×1
Item 4509Flask of distilled water ×1
Item 28466Dynamic belt ×1 Item 4098Wind crystal Item 862Square of behemoth leather ×1
Item 914Vial of mercury ×1
Item 3935Jar of umbril ooze ×2
dynamic belt
Dynamic belt
[Waist]All Races
STR+3 Accuracy+10 Haste+5%


square of behemoth leather
Square of behemoth leather
Hardy yet supple behemoth leather.
vial of mercury
Vial of mercury
This liquid metal is silver in color.
jar of umbril ooze
Jar of umbril ooze
A jar of viscous liquid obtained from a slain umbril.
wind crystal
Wind crystal
A crystal infused with wind energy.
cyclone crystal
Cyclone crystal
A crystal infused with wind energy.
clump of Windurstian Tea leaves
Clump of Windurstian Tea leaves
This high-quality tea is
a specialty of Windurst.
amaltheia hide
Amaltheia hide
The fleece of a mythical ram. Its
magnificent luster is legendary.
tanning vat
Tanning vat
This vat is used by the Tanners'
Guild to tan leather.
flask of distilled water
Flask of distilled water
This water has been purified
by a distillation process.
dark crystal
Dark crystal
A crystal infused with dark energy.
adaman sheet
Adaman sheet
Adaman forged into a sheet.
spool of Siren's macrame
Spool of Siren's macrame
This decorative rope has been woven
from the Siren's hair.
fiendish skin
Fiendish skin
This skin of unidentifiable origin gives off a malefic aura.
scintillant ingot
Scintillant ingot
An ingot of refined luminium ore.
earth crystal
Earth crystal
A crystal infused with earth energy.
tanzanite jewel
Tanzanite jewel
A brightly glistening azure jewel.
Goblin mask
Goblin mask
A mask that filters out bad odors.
Due to its odd shape, only Goblins
can wear it.
lightning crystal
Lightning crystal
A crystal infused with lightning energy.
terra crystal
Terra crystal
A crystal infused with earth energy.
bone chip
Bone chip
A fragment of bone.
fire crystal
Fire crystal
A crystal infused with fire energy.
darksteel ingot
Darksteel ingot
An ingot of smelted darksteel ore.