FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Genbu BGW Wikia

Zone: Ru'Aun Gardens

Item Count Average TH0 TH1 TH2 TH3+
Item 1404Seal of Genbu 13009 out of 7899 164.7% 125.2% 0% 156.4% 169.6%
Item 18161Arctic wind 7943 out of 7899 100.6% 93.4% 0% 103.5% 101.0%
Item 1338Wyrmal abjuration: feet 2982 out of 7899 37.8% 24.5% 0% 41.6% 39.1%
Item 901Venomous claw 2453 out of 7899 31.1% 34.4% 0% 30.2% 31.0%
Item 1324Aquarian abjuration: head 2227 out of 7899 28.2% 24.5% 0% 24.3% 28.4%
Item 1110Vial of black beetle blood 526 out of 7899 6.7% 2.0% 0% 5.9% 7.3%
Item 1326Aquarian abjuration: hands 2287 out of 7899 29.0% 27.8% 0% 32.2% 29.5%
Item 908Adamantoise shell 1810 out of 7899 22.9% 23.2% 0% 20.3% 23.3%
Item 12296Genbu's shield 2987 out of 7899 37.8% 7.9% 0% 32.7% 39.0%
Item 12434Genbu's kabuto 4043 out of 7899 51.2% 18.5% 0% 48.5% 54.9%
Item 1311Piece of oxblood 1966 out of 7899 24.9% 27.8% 0% 29.7% 25.0%
Item 1331Martial abjuration: hands 2374 out of 7899 30.1% 23.8% 0% 21.8% 30.8%
Item 655Adaman ingot 657 out of 7899 8.3% 4.0% 0% 8.4% 9.3%
Item 722Divine log 504 out of 7899 6.4% 4.6% 0% 6.4% 6.9%
Item 4107Earth cluster 3 out of 7899 0.04% 1.3% 0% 0.00% 0.00%

Spawns (1 total)

adaman ingot
Adaman ingot
b'An ingot of smelted adaman ore.
divine log
Divine log
b'This log is emanating an aura
of holiness.'
venomous claw
Venomous claw
b'This claw was taken from a scorpion
known for its potent venom.'
adamantoise shell
Adamantoise shell
b'A fragment of the remarkably hard
shell of the Adamantoise. Its
impenetrability closely resembles that
of the precious metal, adaman.'
vial of black beetle blood
Vial of black beetle blood
b'Blood taken from a black beetle.
piece of oxblood
Piece of oxblood
b'This fragment of blood-red coral is
extremely rare.'
aquarian abjuration: head
Aquarian abjuration: head
b'The inscription reads:
"In accordance with the ancient
aquarian pact, may the bane be
lifted from thy forbidden artifact."
This prayer is necessary in purifying
a cursed crown.'
aquarian abjuration: hands
Aquarian abjuration: hands
b'The inscription reads:
"In accordance with the ancient
aquarian pact, may the bane be
lifted from thy forbidden artifact."
This prayer is necessary in purifying
cursed mitts.'
martial abjuration: hands
Martial abjuration: hands
b'The inscription reads:
"In accordance with the ancient
martial pact, may the bane be
lifted from thy forbidden artifact."
This prayer is necessary in purifying
cursed handschuhs.'
wyrmal abjuration: feet
Wyrmal abjuration: feet
b'The inscription reads:
"In accordance with the ancient
wyrmal pact, may the bane be
lifted from thy forbidden artifact."
This prayer is necessary in purifying
cursed greaves.'
seal of Genbu
Seal of Genbu
b'The ancient hieroglyph "Genbu"
is carved into this metallic seal.'
earth cluster
Earth cluster
b'A cluster of earth crystals.
Genbu's shield
Genbu's shield
All Races
b'DEF:24 Fire-10 Earth+10 Evasion+10
Physical damage taken -10%'
Genbu's kabuto
Genbu's kabuto
[Head]All Races
b'DEF:35 HP+50 VIT+15 Water+50'
arctic wind
Arctic wind
(Throwing)All Races
b'DMG:250 Delay:276'
Lv.72 All jobs