FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Abyssea - Grauberg

NPC Spawns Kills
Air Elemental 3 3662
Alfard 3 7660
Amphitrite 3 5225
Assailer Chariot 1 2823
Azdaja 3 24984
Baelfyr 2 702
Bomblix Flamefinger 1 850
Burstrox Powderpate 1 1266
Byrgen 2 4423
Dark Elemental 3 3642
Deelgeed 1 20781
Deimobugard 14 143047
Faunus Wyvern 14 80885
Fleshflayer Killakriq 1 1170
Frog Prince 2 2
Fuath 1 2537
Gamayun 1 23942
Gefyrst 2 3400
Glade Wivre 15 60620
Glen Crab 26 208258
Goblin Meatgrinder 23 12141
Goblin Plunderer 26 15205
Hillock Murex 25 841
Ika-Roa 1 2878
Ironclad Sunderer 1 15851
Jaculus 1 6021
Knoll Clionid 28 1750
Lorelei 1 1323
Maere 1 11373
Melo Melo 1 4295
Minaruja 1 7138
Monitor 31 182712
Ningishzida 1 10688
Peak Pugil 29 50587
Pond Amoeban 21 373
Putrid Peapuk 18 32915
Raja 3 2253
Rencounter Chariot 1 2318
Seelie 18 24915
Sensenmann 30 65696
Sinister Seidel 28 164758
Stream Limule 24 673
Sturdy Pyxis 4 336
Stygian Djinn 23 83877
Teekesselchen 1 22897
Teugghia 1 1701
Ungeweder 7 7747
Unseelie 19 23892
Vale Crab 2 2
Xibalba 1 1295