FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Foret De Hennetiel

NPC Spawns Kills
Aberrant Uragnite 1 337
Bashful Heartwing 1 595
Bellicose Tarichuk 14 135774
Blood Toad 13 25129
Broadleaf Palm 10 21396
Careening Twitherym 22 188124
Cinder Crab 13 11291
Craklaw 12 44017
Cunning Craklaw 1 1026
Delectable Orobon 1 2375
Divagating Jagil 1 1887
Epigean Leafkin 1 121
Faded Craklaw 1 673
Famished Jagil 2 276
Glutinous Clot 14 8869
Gurgling Crab 3 1262
Hoary Craklaw 24 201669
Insidio 1 249
Krabakarpo 1 408
Nerrivik 1 1303
Numbing Blossom 7 636
Perfidious Crab 26 1275313
Phantasmagoric Umbril 16 33341
Primordial Orobon 10 9026
Primrose Jagil 24 50795
Pungent Patricia 1 2
Riverwashed Toad 22 1126118
Scummy Slug 38 157799
Sere Stump 4 50664
Shrouded Obdella 11 4750
Skinsipper Chigoe 8 389
Tchakka 1 1266
Treefrost Gefyrst 13 2752
Vampire Leech 22 16834
Velkk Destructeur 8 9413
Velkk Sage 6 4291
Vorst Gnat 27 263050
Wetlands Orobon 16 25318
Zoldeff Jagil 30 513369