FFXIDB Tracking Data
151713533 Kills
680586 Voidwatch Chests
84094 Monster Spawns
7267914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8887 NPCs
25601 Items

Aspidochelone BGW Wikia

Zone: Valley of Sorrows

Item Count Average TH0 TH1 TH2 TH3+
Item 646Chunk of adaman ore 2921 out of 1074 272.0% 160.0% 0% 271.4% 274.1%
Item 1335Wyrmal abjuration: body 329 out of 1074 30.6% 20.0% 0% 35.7% 33.2%
Item 1318Dryadic abjuration: feet 320 out of 1074 29.8% 40.0% 0% 92.9% 28.9%
Item 908Adamantoise shell 663 out of 1074 61.7% 20.0% 0% 50.0% 66.3%
Item 1325Aquarian abjuration: body 428 out of 1074 39.9% 20.0% 0% 71.4% 40.4%
Item 13794Heavy cuirass 78 out of 1074 7.3% 0.00% 0% 7.1% 7.3%
Item 1525Adamantoise egg 809 out of 1074 75.3% 40.0% 0% 71.4% 80.0%
Item 12361Sipar 204 out of 1074 19.0% 40.0% 0% 21.4% 18.4%
Item 1333Martial abjuration: feet 388 out of 1074 36.1% 20.0% 0% 64.3% 34.2%
NPC Zone Spawns
No other NPCs with that name.

Spawns (1 total)

chunk of adaman ore
Chunk of adaman ore
b'This ore contains the metal adaman.
adamantoise shell
Adamantoise shell
b'A fragment of the remarkably hard
shell of the Adamantoise. Its
impenetrability closely resembles that
of the precious metal, adaman.'
dryadic abjuration: feet
Dryadic abjuration: feet
b'The inscription reads:
"In accordance with the ancient
dryadic pact, may the bane be
lifted from thy forbidden artifact."
This prayer is necessary in purifying
a cursed sune-ate.'
aquarian abjuration: body
Aquarian abjuration: body
b'The inscription reads:
"In accordance with the ancient
aquarian pact, may the bane be
lifted from thy forbidden artifact."
This prayer is necessary in purifying
a cursed dalmatica.'
martial abjuration: feet
Martial abjuration: feet
b'The inscription reads:
"In accordance with the ancient
martial pact, may the bane be
lifted from thy forbidden artifact."
This prayer is necessary in purifying
cursed schuhs.'
wyrmal abjuration: body
Wyrmal abjuration: body
b'The inscription reads:
"In accordance with the ancient
wyrmal pact, may the bane be
lifted from thy forbidden artifact."
This prayer is necessary in purifying
cursed mail.'
adamantoise egg
Adamantoise egg
b'The tiny egg of an adamantoise.
Due to the traces of metal found
in their shells, these eggs are often
mistaken for chunks of ore.'
All Races
b'DEF:20 Ice-20'
heavy cuirass
Heavy cuirass
[Body]All Races
b'DEF:60 AGI-5 Ice-20'