FFXIDB Tracking Data
151,713,533 Kills
680,586 Voidwatch Chests
84,094 Monster Spawns
7,267,914 Synthesis Results
As of the 19 February 2015 update.
271 Zones
8,887 NPCs
25,601 Items

Yellow 3-Drawer Almirah BGW Wikia FFXIAH

yellow 3-drawer almirah
Yellow 3-drawer almirah
An exquisitely fashioned dresser with
three separate drawers, draped with a
brilliant, yellow throw cloth.
NPC Zone Count Chance
No drop data for this item.
NPC Zone Count Chance
No Voidwatch chest data for this item.
yellow 3-drawer almirah
Yellow 3-drawer almirah
An exquisitely fashioned dresser with
three separate drawers, draped with a
brilliant, yellow throw cloth.
3-drawer almirah
3-drawer almirah
This San d'Orian dresser has three
separate drawers.
spool of gold thread
Spool of gold thread
This silk thread is wound around
a gold strand.
jar of yellow textile dye
Jar of yellow textile dye
An all-natural, yellow dye
used in the coloring of cloth.
water crystal
Water crystal
A crystal infused with water energy.